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National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
Taichung's No. 65 park
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Artist(s): CHOU Yu-Cheng
Date: 8 Jan - 8 Apr 2012

The Artist's Statement

Neon assembles different views of city and represents them in two heterogeneous spaces by the effect of Venetian blinds, transforming video work into a virtul landscape.

My video art focuses on the criticism of images in mass media or the mechanism that produces them. At this current time, digital images come into our sight all too easily, and how our perceptive experiences accept, reject or suspect the purpose of this production mechanism has become an issue, which I present with my creations not in a straightforward or outright ironic manner, but in a poetic way. Sometimes only minor changes are made to the borrowed images and symbols, where the issue emerges by itself through the medium instead of being raised by an outside force. Video works created by me have long broken away from a defensive position that pop art takes against modernism or manipulation of images with a sacralizing approach.

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