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MIA (Mere Independent Artists)
Unit 7, 5/F, Chai Wan Industrial City Phase 1,
No. 60, Wing Tai Road,
Chai Wan, Hong Kong
tel: +852 3175 8180     fax: +852 3176 0263
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MIA is a non-profit making organization founded by a group of artists and art administrators in 2004 and registered officially in 2006. The founding members include Chan Ka-yi, Ivy, Chan Kam-shing, Chris, Lai Wai-yi, Monti, Lee Mei-kuen, Carol, Tang Ying-chi, Stella and Tang Ying-mui, Grace.

It is established for the purpose to build up their artistic career, and they work together to promote contemporary art in Hong Kong by organizing art-related projects and events. The group encourages independent, self-autonomous and multi-facets works.

MIA seeks advances in the creation of visual art, and works to deepen the public’s understanding of visual art, strengthen the links between visual art and the society, enhance art appreciation in everyday life and connect Hong Kong's art with the world.

Members are:
Chan Ka-yi, Ivy
Chan Kam-shing, Chris
Chan Wai-sze, Teresa
Cheng Chi-ming, Carl
Choi Wing-sze, Alice
Garcia, Livia B.
Lai Wai-yi, Monti
Lee Suet-ying, Lee
Lee Wai-bing, Iris
Lee Mei-kuen, Carol
Shek Chun-yin
Tang Ying-chi, Stella
Tang Ying-mui, Grace
Tse Lok-lun, Laurence
Wong Chun-yam, Leo
Yu Kei-kei


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