As if, all are waiting, for those branches, stones, corners, steel bars, still people and flying over birds … Let me give them a little meaning through my lens.
Image must be in accordance with the present, but the present is endless. Lifting the camera means to miss the most. But once the image is taken, it is not the original present.
Those intertwining, soft and slender or oblique thorn branches are no longer the intertwining, soft and slender or oblique thorn branches.
Those cold stones, rusty steel bars and white or gray people are no longer the.cold stones, rusty steel bars and white or gray people.
Emotion will spread along those branches, steel bars, roofs and hems of clothes.
It’s mingled with endless questions about ultimate meaning of the past and present.
- Tian Ye
*image (left)
© Tian Ye
courtesy of the artist and OFOTO Gallery