For its sixth exhibition in Art Paris 2014, ifa gallery made a selection of black and white Chinese works of art. In their respective fields, be it photography, ink painting, installation or video, they give a view of the complexity of the Chinese cultural heritage. This dichotomy between the black of the ink and the white of rice paper allows to highlight the specificity of the current artistic aspiration in China. Different media are in use: ink, paintings, photography, installation, video… The common thread running through the works are the references to and questioning of Chinese culture, the beauty of form and symbolism. Between them, these works create a world in which ink and its symbolic matter – black – become new artistic tools that revisit the Chinese avant-garde in an unexpected way.
Artists: Gao Brothers, Dai Guangyu, Wu Junyong, Jiang Shanqing, Zane Mellupe
*image (left)
© Dai Guangyu
courtesy of ifa Gallery