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Floating Clouds
by Aike-Dellarco
Location: Galleria dell'Arco
Date: 6 Nov - 5 Dec 2010

Aike Gallery is pleased to announce the group show “Floating clouds”opening on Nov. 6. Up in the sky, in vain can they be caught, they are totally free from any constraints or unnatural prejudice. Art, too, can never be tied to one place or a certain conceptual understanding. The works by these five artists emerge as a pure reflection of the theme.

“Gan Ta Fa Ke” is a incomplete and unknown novel found by Liao Fei. He could not finish reading the book because of some missing parts. That was when he decided to complete the book with his own imaginations. The newly coined plot is also the context of this show, which intends to deliver the dialectical relationship between “being” and “inexistence”. Moreover, it is the best visual description of the poem "Something is hidden in the void ".

Lu Yang’s work presents human’s sense of crises. “Interface for monitoring brain activities in class” is a futuristic classroom scene full of electronic tones and lines. Brain activities can be monitored in order to reflect their focus level. In this work, the relationship between machine and human, both struggling for control against manipulation is the ultimate representation of a generational unease.

Throughout his practice, Wang Sishun often stages a status conversion of object through physical behavior. In the work "luxury is the wound with blood", Wang Sishun breaks a goblet, and successively grinds the broken glass into precious diamonds. The shift, from glass to fragmented glass and finally to diamonds, corresponds to the statement from "Diamond Sutra", "Appearance is deceitful".

Hu Xiaoxiao’s work, "Star", consists of a red peony, which is a kind of flower full of black mildew-like small peonies, mostly used for ceremonies. Peony means happiness and wealth, but when it is full of mildew, the original meaning is suddenly lost, drawing the attention to the essence of flowers.

Ye Linghan's work "The final test of a flight body" borrows elements from the science fiction collective imagination, about life and death. Whales, airships, and other crafts float inside a slaughter house, drowsy and confused, enclose the process of an imaginary life. Finally coming to the conclusion that death is a rebirth.

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