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The name 'BAMI' is made up of the Japanese characters 'Ba' = '場' and 'Mi' = '見' that translate as 'site' and 'sight' . When written together the word these characters make suggests ideas of 'viewing space' , 'showing space' or 'discovering space'.

'Ba' is a character used in terms that translate as 'place' , 'scene' , 'circumstance' and 'marketplace' . It does not, then, denote merely physical space. It also expresses a sense of temporal and spatial sharing of ideas and experiences in human existence. We think of BAMI Gallery as a place where artists can generate and display their own expressions and where those expressions can be viewed and evaluated by a wide and variegated audience. And we consider it to be a site where research into, and actual experience of the birth of new creative expression, can take place.

Society emerges as a result of human life that is sparked by nuclear fission; BAMI Gallery seeks the potential for the birth of new creative expression. And we' d like to give exposure to the new creative forms generated by an environment of mutual learning and healthy competition.


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