Latitude 28 Gallery
F208 GF
Lado Sarai
New Delhi 110030 map *
tel: +91 11 4679 1111
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Deriving its nomenclature from the geographical location of New Delhi, LATITUDE 28 is located at the dynamic and diverse art district of Lado Sarai. Operating as a commercial gallery with a twist, its primary vision being furthering artists' careers by supporting the production, presentation and placement of works in good collections. The shows conceived and presented under LATITUDE 28 focus on a grounded and innovative curatorial strategy. Weaving a strand of artists spread across disciplines, the curatorial effort digs into the finer aesthetic grain and concerns of each works and puts them forth in a defined collation. The initiative is not only to present but to foster a discursive dialogue enriching the fabric of an artistic rendezvous.
LATITUDE 28 is a venture under the direction of Bhavna Kakar, who specializes in pre-modern art history with nearly a decade's experience as a curator, writer, and art consultant. Bhavna is also the Editor/Publisher of TAKE on art, www.takeonartmagazine.com India’s premier magazine on contemporary art. The brand aims at cultivating a space that introduces collectors to emerging talent who probe the creative and material boundaries of their art practices. LATITUDE 28 recognizes Modern and Contemporary Indian art as a propelling force in the global arena, constituting the major pie of the financial stead. And though the gallery aims to present artworks largely in sync with contemporary trends, there is a large repository of works of established masters in the gallery’s collection.
LATITUDE 28 attempts to represent contemporary Indian art not only through exhibitions in the white cube of its distinctive gallery space, but also by supporting residencies and the organization of outreach programs, seminars and talks. A consortium of defined services also includes art management facilitation, building effective portfolios for clients, consultancy, art funds, research and documentation.
To elaborate further our services towards clients include:
• Delineating clients' art requirements.
• Strategically marking the market strengths and sourcing suitable artworks at a competitive market value.
• Developing an art collection and upgrading/extending the existing one.
• Facilitating fully illustrated and indexed inventories of clients' artworks as well as appraisals.
• Participation in auctions to sustain and extend our presence.
• Advice on authenticity and provenance.
• Assistance with insurance, shipment and installation.
• Advice on conservation and framing.
• Advice on loans to exhibitions.
Not confining its presence within its own local premises, LATITUDE 28 plans to represent artists under its brand at international fairs and through collaborations with other galleries, art institutions and initiatives. Through this we aim to produce an essential component of ‘the contemporary’ at important art tangents signaling a shift away from simple survey exhibitions.
Opening hours:
Daily 11 am - 7 pm