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Night & Day - Exploring Arts Exhibition 2011
by Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Location: Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Date: 27 Aug - 27 Nov 2011

Curated by the Education Dept. of the TFAM, Night & Day–Exploring Arts Exhibition 2011 is an exhibition presenting a constructed atmosphere created primarily with works from the museum's collection. The exhibition includes multimedia installations which create a multi-directional interactive experience. Children are encouraged to experience and enjoy the exhibition's images and features to learn about the many facets of contemporary art. Geared toward seven to twelve year old children and their parents, the exhibition provides a wonderful opportunity for interactive study and appreciation of the museum's rich collection, as well as a chance to explore the mysteries of the universe and the creative power of various artists firsthand. Divided into several mini-themes related to day and night in the universe, the exhibition begs the questions: Why day and night? What colors can be seen during the day or the night? What is the difference between day and night scenery? What is the difference between day and night sounds?

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