Gallery IHN is pleased to hold Seung Soon Park's solo exhibition entitled 'Episode'. Through the theme 'episode', Park illustrates the city, the nature and the daily life in her unique way. Her use of lines and surface seems simple, bold and bravebut also the cautiousness can be felt. The colours are soft, calm and contemplative at first, however as soon as we are about to move on, we are caught by the unexpected intense coloursand lines.
Prior to the exhibition, Seung Soon Park's paintings have had a direct influence of abstract masterpieces such as WassilyKandinsky's vivid musical dots, lines and surface, Piet Mondrian's simple, primary coloured rectangles, lines, repetition and harmony, and also Ben Nicholson's simplified landscapes.This may have caused the audience to doubt about her work. The doubt comes from the conflict between the lyrical and geometric abstraction that co-exists in one canvas. Seung Soon Park however, is neither biased on lyrical or geometric abstraction.Her paintings are the result of aspiration and curiosity of the essence of painting and the combination of unexpected inspiration from nature and episodes of daily life.
*image (left)
courtesy of the artist and Gallery IHN