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Case by Case –18 Artistic Suitcases
by Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
Location: Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
Date: 27 Oct - 25 Nov 2012

The city is the home of various hidden possibilities, and in the easily accessible underground street of Taipei, 18 artists have gathered to showcase their personal suitcases. It is here that various settings and stories could be imagined. As a temporary rehearsal hall is set up, case by case, creative sparks and interwoven stories are ready to unfold.


Case by Case –18 Artistic Suitcases is an exhibition at MOCA Studio Underground located in the Zhongshan Metro Mall. Extending from the concept of a single suitcase, through onsite installations, the artists are able to exhibit their personal creative directions and showcase their unique aesthetics and contents. Besides still-displays inside the Box, mobile artworks will be presented throughout the exhibition period as well, with artworks traveling to various destinations in the underground street. The objective is for art to depart from the set exhibition venue and become closer with the public, as interesting dialogues are hence formed. 

Different creative styles and interdisciplinary exchanges are attempted in this exhibition, as a lively urban cultural landscape is constructed. These suitcases are scattered at various corners, and their diverse looks incorporate some mixing of pure forms and some reality simulations as well. Through unique narratives and personal expressions, the artists are able to portray their personal experiences, and the viewers are invited to let their imaginations run freely and to also connect with the creative journeys of the artworks. There are different meanings and experiences depicted in the artworks, and they prompt for thoughts about the physical bodies, emotions, travels, and memories. Through the artists’ meticulous executions, these elements are transformed into an array of special artworks, which are opened for the viewers to sneak a look at some of the most private and secretive inner thoughts of the artists.

Someone once said that artists are like wanderers, and the treasured things in their suitcases are the sources of their creativities and inspirations. Each artistic suitcase contains a great surprise, and holds something that each one of us would like to remember or capture. When you take the time to appreciate one of these artistic suitcases, a feeling of familiarity or a connection with something unexpected and surprising is opened up, as your internal memory vault is unlocked and a grander meaning for life is found.  

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