by C-Space Location: C-Space
Artist(s): YU Honglei
Date: 15 Sep - 21 Oct 2012
This exhibition was inspired by the death of a family member, the work is arranged in a reverse order, guiding the spectators through their journey. The exhibition is intentionally split into two parts — in the first part, the artist makes these works in a way that some details of truth is delicately presented Whether it is the use of screen captures of Google Maps, or turning the remnant of a deceased person into an artwork. They expose in their own way, a certain fragment, as if a case of mystery is waiting to be solved As the tour continues, audience pushes through door that leads into the main exhibition hall the second part This is where the artist has carefully dressed a scene, re-presenting the stories The text on the wall in a slightly pictorial sense, interweaves the fragments and the stories, whereby revealing the ultimate secret that completes the reciprocating diffractions and relationships in the work.