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Imura Art Gallery | Tokyo
3331 Arts Chiyoda #206
6-11-14 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 101-0021 Japan   map * 
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Alternative Muscles
by Imura Art Gallery | Tokyo
Location: Imura Art Gallery, Tokyo
Artist(s): Takashi HINODA
Date: 6 Aug - 3 Sep 2011

Imura Art Gallery is pleased to announce Takashi Hinoda's solo exhibition ‘Alternative Muscles ’ at imura art gallery tokyo. This exhibition traveled from imura art gallery kyoto (exhibited from 2011.6.4 to 7.23). At imura art gallery kyoto, it was the second solo show for him at the gallery since 2009.

Takashi Hinoda, born in Kobe, 1968, works and lives in Kyoto. He graduated from Osaka University of Arts, Major in ceramics, 1991. Currently, teaches at Kyoto Saga University of Arts.

Takashi Hinoda has expressed his ceramic works using graphic and characters inspired by Japanese manga and American comics. Between 2004 and 2005, Hinoda began experimenting with the two-dimensional space on the surface of his forms. He uses a unique style of drawing and vivid color areas, skillfully manipulating self-adhesive sheets. The three-dimensional forms intersect and co-exist with the two-dimensional expression on their surface. Hinoda refers to this world as “2.5 dimensions.” In it, we move back and forth between real and virtual dimensions with a sense of something strange occurring in the encounter with eccentric forms.

The installation made by Hinoda is also remarkable. He creates the space by cutting and putting self-adhesive sheets, like his works, on the wall, the floor and the ceiling . It seems like getting the graphic and the lines out from the surface of his works. Hinoda’s works and his installation have appreciated in Japan, Asian countries, U.S. and in Europe.

In this exhibition at imura art gallery tokyo, they present about 5 works. Hinoda will show the audiences his original vision for the form of body in the future as-yet-unknown.

Artist Statement

Ever since a life came to be on this planet, it continued to metamorphose its body figure parallel with the surrounding environment.
However the system of the environment collapsed as human beings had started to dominate over the environment and alternating its nature.

It seems to me none of bone, skin or muscle of our body are able to follow this rapid change. Yet one musician said – as a respond to the question about music of 21st century- as follows-, “We, as human beings, are just at the stage of primitive. And just as we develop new muscles by accepting changes, we are to transform ourselves through a long period of discipline.” Would that transformation be an unprecedented mutational change?

Or something major that would conquer the traditional ethics?
Either way there is no doubt that it will be as drastic as the transformation of when the first fish landed and walked on earth.

Wherever would we be when this transformation occurs?
Will we be still on the earth?

As much difficulty we are having for human beings to remain in one kind as now, the vision of divided paths is flitting in my head.

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