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KaleidosManic - An Exhibit of Fragmented Proportions
by Voxfire Gallery
Location: Voxfire Gallery
Artist(s): KO Tak Kit
Date: 14 Jul - 6 Aug 2011

Voxfire Gallery is excited to present KaleidosManic, a mixed media collage exhibit featuring Hong Kong artist Ko Tak Kit. 

Using images and clippings from current newspapers, postcards, magazines and natural elements, Ko splices together collage works that may be at first glance incoherent and fragmented but then invite its audiences to engage in its storytelling, and the result is a uniquely cohesive and poetic representation of today’s Hong Kong.

Artist Statement:

Creativity and joy can be found in the most unlikely of places, including piles of old newspaper and stacks of worn magazines. In them I have discovered a fascinating medium that is not only dynamic and vibrant, but whose contents can be wildly shuffled and redefined to ignite new ideas and fresh perspectives. This made me put my love of pastel painting and ceramic making aside, as I found myself immersed in the words and images of modern day newspapers and magazines, weaving endless layers of colorful stories in the form of collages.

With no particular topic in mind, I dive into each collage piece by letting my mind, my eyes, and my fingers wander freely. The result is each work following a unique destiny, peppered with both joy and sorry, unconsciously reflecting on inter personal relationships and the world we live in.

Artist Background:

Ko Tak Kit is a true Hong Konger.  Born in Guangdong and grew up in Hong Kong in the 60’s, Ko came from an artistic household, her father was also an artist in the 1940s. Ko's work strikes a rare balance between social commentary and personal identity while juxtaposing both. While her works make statements about the world we live in, it does so with a wink of optimism and a positive thirst for life. Ko splices multiple forms of media and brush strokes to create a dynamic visual collage.

In 1980, she moved to the United States with her family where her work began to infuse aspects of life in a foreign land. In 1996, Ko returned to Hong Kong and continued her work here. Fascinated by the message-overload and fanatic-consumerism in modern Hong Kong, Ko's paper collage series continue to search for peace and tranquility in an attention-deficit 21st century Hong Kong. Her work has been highly personal and this will be her first public showcase.

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