Artist(s): James Guinevan SEYMOUR
Date: 15 Dec - 29 Dec 2010
A ripened plant ovule containing an embryo. A small amount of material used to start a chemical reaction. A source of beginning. A germ, offspring or progeny.
My work as I have noticed over the past 8 years has had the same recurring theme : The circle of Life and Death. This is mainly a result of personal circumstance that has shaped my ideas on life and death and has left my work with an often sombre tone to the untrained eye but it is not all doo and gloom as to me life and death go hand in hand, you cannot have one without the other and the presence of death can help remind us how important life is. This presence has helped me to appreciate my life and work even more and reminded me to make more of a conscientious effort to make the most of my everyday life and work and especially to enjoy the moment.