by Fotoaura Institute of Photography Location: Fotoaura Institute of Photography
Artist(s): LIN Tai Hsuan
Date: 10 May - 8 Jun 2014
Fotoaura Institute of Photograph presents a solo exhibition by Tai Hsuan Lin, featuring her recent paintings.
Artist Statement:
Not willing to become a weak minded person Not to be seduced by laziness and ambrosia Vision was overpowered by fortune And a penny will never doubled itself
The cower can only stare at the brave Waiting the brave out with blunders embarrassing To drag out an ignoble existence was encouraged Delight and passion can only present in dream
Can only prefer a person you hate when meet a worse one How we deprive our own life down to survive Voids spread allover the concrete of time Niceness never last while the beauty of this world keep seducing me
Bitterness comes from nowhere from the left side through the right channel Happiness can only be concealed within your handy pouch