White Rabbit’s stunning summer exhibition (open until Jan. 31) is filled with surprises. Among the highlights:
Eternity (2013), by Xu Zhen and MadeIn Company, in which East literally meets West, with ancient sculptures of Buddhist deities replacing the heads of classical Greek ones;
Chen Wei’s Drunken Dance Club (2015). The artist, who has been quite a nightclubber in his time, says people in China go out drinking and dancing “to chase their dreams”, but reality is relentless: “They can’t escape.” His installation presents a nightclub the morning (or the year) after—empty, strewn with broken glass, filled with eerie lights and the sound of sighing.
the title work, Chen Tianzhuo’s Paradi$e Bitch (2013), in which tattooed dwarves play angel and devil in a rap battle for the soul.
Also on show: works by Bu Hua, Guo Tianyi, Hong Hao, and Taiwanese artists Chu Shu-Hsien, Hong Bo-Hao and Huang Po-Yu.
- See more at: http://www.whiterabbitcollection.org/news/now-showing/#sthash.OU7G4bM3.dpuf