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Sin Sin Fine Art
52 - 54 Sai Street
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by Sin Sin Fine Art
Location: Sin Sin Fine Art
Artist(s): BAI Xin Cheng, Stephanie SIN
Date: 12 Apr - 12 May 2012

Sin Sin Fine Art is pleased to present a group exhibition featuring the works of Stephanie Sin and Bai Xincheng. Both artists, although different in medium and approach, explore the use of lines and the spaces they create.

Structures are made up of lines– Hong Kong is divided by walls and concrete, splitting the space of the city. Stephanie Sin is a Hong Kong born Chinese artist whose work focuses on space in the most densely populated area on the planet.
Looking out from her home window, Stephanie is confronted with the window of her neighbours opposite. This voyeuristic scene which is forced upon her in the crowded residential space of Hong Kong is a situation that many share.
Not knowing anything about her neighbours or the intimacies of their lives, Stephanie creates narratives around the view that she sees. Her paintings represent her own dream like interpretation of the lives being played out across the street, her mood often represented in the colours and tone of the art works.
These large paintings are scaled to the actual size of the windows that she observes, serving as a resistance to the often cramped conditions of HK. They also form an escape; the audience can project their own interpretation of the life beyond the window onto her tableaus and explore the dream world that Stephanie Sin has created.

Beijing artist Bai Xincheng has devoted himself to the study of lines. Bai’s drawings are made up of thin dark lines that encircle the page like a labyrinth. The lines divide the white space around it creating wirey figures dancing around the paper. There is vitality in his line that emits life; the figures have their own soul and character. Drawing lines has become Bai’s daily routine; it is as natural to him as eating or breathing. Encouraging unexpected and accidental marks, there is an element of chaos to Bai’s work that is balanced by the sensitivity of the characters depicted.
Having studied traditional Chinese calligraphy, Bai’s work is inspired by primitive marks made in ancient times. These were often influenced by patterns in nature and were the aesthesis of automatic writing that was brought to China from the west. Bai’s line serves as a connection between Chinese tradition and Western modernity.

About the Artist

Stephanie Sin Long-yee is a Hong Kong born Chinese artist. Stephanie Sin's rhythmical and abstract imageries, insinuates the paradox in lives through her experiences on fragmentations of individual and collective daily routines of existence. As a painter, she received her BA(FA) from RMIT University co-presented with the HKAS in 2008 and currently studying Master of Visual Art at HKBU. Sin has exhibited both in Hong Kong and internationally and is highly involved with the artist community in HK, partaking in many public arts projects and performance pieces. Selected exhibitions include;  ‘MaD at West Kowloon’ 2011, Places I haven’t been’, Blue Lotus Gallery (2011), ‘Images Imaging’, JCCAC, (2011), ‘<<Stretched Connotations>>’, White Tube (2010), ‘In Attic’, Sin Sin Fine Art (2009) ‘New Trend 2008’, Artist Commune, 12 Cattle Depot Artist Village (2008), ‘Juxtaposition’, The Pao Galleries, 4-5/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre (2008), ‘Merry Christmas’, Too Art Gallery, 2/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre (2007),  ‘Ning-gan’, White Tube, 10/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre (2007) and ‘On the Way’, RMIT School of Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia (2006)

Born 1957 in Beijing Bai Xincheng (b.1957) trained initially in calligraphy before developing his unique line figures. For him, line is a highly individualistic language that creates highly expressive images in a state of confusion. Bai Xincheng participated in many group exhibitions including several major shows at Sin Sin Fine Art, “40 Plus, 40 Minus”, “Prints - Limited Editions and Monotypes” and “Art Saturdays”.  Other selected solo and group exhibitions are “Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition”, Mainland Gallery of Beijing, China; “Contemporary Art Exhibition of 100 Artists”, Qianjing Gallery of Beijing, China; “Solo Exhibition”, MUSE Gallery of Beijing, Beijing, China; “Solo Exhibition” CYTS Building of Beijing, China;

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