Indigo Blue Art’s first exhibition of 2010 is Modulation of Form, a series of works by emerging Indian artist, Venkatesh Pate.
This series of works are structured around the interactivity of body parts and the artist’s use of the human body as a landscape to convey the unconscious planes of the soul.
The human bodies shown are undoubtedly male; strong, well formed musculature fills Pate’s canvases, but the strength and rhythm of these robust figures are anything but aggressive. There is an imperceptibly meditative quality to the weight of lines and the rhythm of composition.
One senses an attitude of free associations that swivel between dream and reality. The figures, both wraith-like and robust, filter through flows of translucent colours. Pate plots the position of objects around the body, marking the points where their forms reflect, intersect of overlap.
Seductive yet introspective, Pate’s body of works float weightlessly, unconstrained by necessity; yet no less connected to the material realm of the natural. Here, wondrous shifts between the intellectual processes and explicitly physical activities reunite the life of the mind with its bodily ground.