“As collage replaced oil painting, Braun tube will replace canvas.”
In this first presentation of Nam June Paik’s works in South East Asia, Space Cottonseed presents small-scale works from the artist in the 1990s.
Nam June Paik (1932–2006), internationally recognized as the "Father of Video Art," created a large body of work including video sculptures, installations, performances, videotapes and television productions. He had a global presence and influence, and his innovative art and visionary ideas continue to inspire a new generation of artists.
The exhibition Nam June Paik: Works from the 1990s will be an opportunity to meet Paik’s small works produced mainly from 1990s. The exhibition includes Neon TVs, TV robots, candle TVs and works on paper that are made from everyday objects. The physicality of the artist’s work seemed to appear in the 1990s. Seemingly before, Paik was not interested in materiality but temporality of an artwork through performances and video documentation. It was only during the 90s, Paik was seen most active in his video sculpture as well as installation practice.
Paik was known for making robots out of television sets. The series of TV robots was constructed using pieces of wire and metal, but later Paik used parts from radio and television sets. The series shows the artist's wit and humor in the way of creating human figures as well as renowned historical figures such as Wire Haired Robot (1995) and Tolstoy (1995) in the exhibition.
The series of Neon TVs are both painting and sculpture at the same time while not being either one. Compared to his earlier TV works, the Neon TV series are less austere and more poetic, as if they are really self-portraits of the artist.
Nam June Paik said, “If one wants to win a game, one can obey the rule but one can also change the rule of the game.” In the exhibition Nam June Paik: Works from the 1990s, the audience can experience the artist’s genius as well as his sense of humor, besides his influence on Asian and Western contemporary art, as well as his vision on developments in technology and science of today.
-Space Cottonseed
Image: © Nam June Paik