The artist Sean Roh has raised a question about our recognition of our world as shaking up concreteness of the world we know. The series reveals surreal melting images of various natural or daily objects. Each thing floats in a white space and its surface shows glazing shine. So the visitors' view on a status of the object can be bilateralness.
In a new exhibition, the artist focuses on sensitivity. It is not personal character or taste but formed by a social system. Capitalism, the only economic system of today, based on production and consumption, and its size of circulation. Like his work 'Arrogant that believing an aesthetic sense to classify 36 different water,' it is hard to distinguish whether it is mass product or arts. Distinguishing a difference is not a result of our functional senses or health, but learned emotional sensitivity. The artist expresses his study on sensitivity as photograph.
Also, the artist shows confusing images to distinguish daily products like banana, orate, coke, and mineral water. Property of each product is not delivered directly through weighed objective index. Intensifying emphasised part or deleting weak point, artificial symbols are delivered. The artist thinks that sensitiveness to compare and consume such symbols are indoctrinated as a virtue of the age.
*image (left)
courtesy of the aritst and PYO Gallery South