by Kwanhoon Gallery Location: Kwanhoon Gallery
Artist(s): Jongsook KIM
Date: 30 Nov - 13 Dec 2011
Lineon a street cornerin the winterin December,withsparklingeyes andworks like asolo exhibitionof the artistKwanhoongimjongsuktakes placein the gallery.
Writerson the basis ofmyphilosophyof work,to buildtheir ownworld of workinan era of infinite competition, Swarovski, Ellie Meoncheu(SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS)andasweat,usingartificialLike theoneto stitchwenther workcomplete themathcourse. Theirfight againstthe fierceandendurethrough the course ofsuchworks ofartistsborn, notonlythe resultswith the publicas acultural toolforcommunication andusegonggamhope.