Born in Tokyo, 1978. Lives and works in Tokyo. Koyama’s works can be described as 'the organic abstract photography'. He photographs the surfaces of artifacts and details of the phenomenon as part of the metabolism of the cities. His investigation is based on the idea that the cities change every moment as organism, likewise for any creatures and nature. Following two solo exhibitions and presentation with G/P gallery at Paris Photo 2008, Koyama recently showed his series called ‘Rainbow Form’ in his solo exhibition at Tokyo Spiral in June 2009. His works are featured in international magazines for photography such as IANN and the Talent issue of FOAM magazine, in Amsterdam.
Publication 2004 YOUR SURVIVING DOOR (ART BY XEROX) 2007 Dark Matter (UTRECHT) 2009 entropix (artbeat publishers)
Exhibitions 2006 ON THE OTHER SIDE (PUNCTUM Photo+Graphix Tokyo in Tokyo) 2007 Dark Matter (NO.12 GALLERY in Tokyo. PUNCTUM Photo+Graphix Tokyo in Tokyo) 2008 Boundary X (gallery ROCKET in Tokyo) Edition "08 SS" (Edition Store in Omotesando Hills, Tokyo) 2009 entropix」 (Spiral Garden, Tokyo) entropix」 (Spiral Garden, Tokyo) entropix: high speed slide show (NADiff Gallery, Tokyo) 2010 Artworks from AN10」(Foyer in Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo)
Awards 2005 Selected for the 25th Photography "Hitotsubo-ten" award