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Makii Masaru Fine Arts
1-7-7, Asakusabashi
Tokyo 111-0053 Japan   map * 
tel: +81 3 3865 2211     fax: +81 3 3865 2211
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Ta chi ta sa (The urge to stand up)
by Makii Masaru Fine Arts
Location: 2/F, Makii Masari Fine Arts
Artist(s): Takako IHODA
Date: 15 Jul - 26 Jul 2011

It takes about 60 minutes for me finally to come to a standing position from the state of laying myself on the ground leaving it to gravity, in vaguely paying attention to the small movement of surroundings.  Repetition of focusing and turning back…

Where can I find the horizontality and verticality? Perhaps, the action indicates that I am surveying or searching them with my body.  Is it possible to produce something tangible during this course of movements?  What would the people find in this?

I have continuously worked on a project titled "Tachi ta sa - The urge to stand up" since 1995. My upcoming exhibition consists of some reports on my activities since 2008, collaborated works with three photographers, and live performances with musicians and voice artists at the exhibition site.

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