by Chi-wen Gallery Location: Children’s Art Education Center, Taipei Fine Art Museum
Artist(s): CHANG Chien-Chi
Date: 26 Aug - 14 Sep 2014
As seasoned photographer Chang Chien-Chi has been travel around the world for more than 25 years, only realized profoundly that the birth is a miracle and a gift after his daughter was born two years ago. Over the last two years he has continued to also bring back a unique gift for his daughter from his travel. Everywhere he visits, he records local lullabies sung by local mothers. By now there have been 30 plus lullabies from 15 countries. The video installation On the Road, 2014 documented the 2-year Journey through the sound and photography, and the playback device will be through a modified vintage phone. In addition, in the installation are a children world map as well as five photographs from on the road.