‘To me life is not a mystery but a miracle. The sense of life is a truth much bigger than any human can comprehend. There is this unexplainable energy that drives us and the universe. We try to structure this truth through science and religion yet our compulsive urge to constantly order things is doomed to fail. We argue and eventually reject existing theories to replace them with new ones yet never finding the perfect constitution that serves us human beings totally right. However as humans we find it comforting to participate. I too follow these same rules made by humans but in the end my answer is a question, I refuse to make a conclusion and this is how I live, how I think and how I paint.’
Christopher Ku will be exhibiting his latest paintings. The artist will open his studio during the opening event which is located in the same building (Wah Luen Ind’l Bdg B4-16)
Opening on Sunday 17 April 2011, 4pm onwards.