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The Three Fates II (2012)
by Naomi ELLER
Tristian Koenig

30 x 28 x 27 cm
Ceramic, oil paint, shellac and wax
Behold (2012)
by Kiki SMITH
Leeahn Gallery

96.5 x 83.8 x 61 cm (base included)
Hand blown stained glass with blackened steel and
Girl with Stars (2004)
by Kiki SMITH
Leeahn Gallery

44.4 x 75.6 x 5.1 cm
Bronze with buried green patina
Modell U19 (2014)
Carbon 12

122 x 80 x 100 cm
Cardboard, fiberglass, iron, concrete, epoxy resin
Latitude New York City (2013)
by Maya LIN
Pace Gallery

9"x9" diameter (22.9x274.3cm)
The Cradle (2009)
by Sherrie LEVINE
Simon Lee Gallery

48 x 100 x 59cm
Cast bronze
Square No. 4 (2014)
by ZHANG Dali
Klein Sun Gallery

78 3/4 x 41 3/8 x 27 1/2 inches (190 x 105 x 70 cm
Non-Object (Door) (2008)
by Anish KAPOOR
Lisson Gallery

281.3 x 118.1 x 118.1 cm
Stainless Steel
Container (2013)
by AI Wei Wei
Galerie Urs Meile

190 x 190 x 190cm
Huanghuali wood
Card Game (2013)
by Anthony CARO
Annely Juda Fine Art

117 x 99 x 125cm
Painted steel
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