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by Bui Gallery
Location: Bui Gallery
Artist(s): BLAKE
Date: 21 Jan - 12 Mar 2011

The Bui Gallery is pleased to present in conjunction with Canadian born artist, Blake, his continuing world renowned series: Fragments. Fragments is an exploration of mankind’s ancient ideas of beauty, the human sculpture and how this beauty holds up in modern times, broken by the destructive nature of our history, but intact none the same. Blake’s bronze work sculptures stand as representations of the fusion between classical and post-modern art and the period of time between them.

There is no doubt that classical sculpture is revered in its own right. But Blake examines its role in history in a different light. He sees them as remnants of great civilizations that glorified war and military expansion. And yet, they are beautiful and can stand alone from history. Nevertheless, they are victims of history and time for as the years pass, they slowly deteriorate along with the ancient cities where they once stood.

In his presentation at the Bui Gallery, Blake seeks to drawn attention to our ideas of the aesthetic by creating purposefully deconstructed sculptures. Working clay, later casting in bronze, Blake deliberately ‘desculpts’, breaking his creations to make them resemble their timeless counterparts.

But Blake’s ambition is not to copy ancient forms nor is it to extol their beauty. In their deconstructed state, Blake hopes these sculptures will raise awareness about the destructive nature of war and the devastating effect on innocent people. Blake’s figures do not represent gods, great heroes or mythical figures. Their names are not taken from history books, but named for brands (yes there are brands) of landmines. Adam M-72. Claymore M18A1. Sadeye CBU-75. These names hold the fate of individuals just as those from history did. Their bronze faces are as anonymous as the civilian casualties of war, relegated too often to numerical lists and ambiguous news reports. And yet, they are beautiful, worn down, but full of life, triumph even, as symbols of survival and a hopeful future.

It is hope, not sorrow, that Blake wishes to propagate with Fragments. In conjunction with the United Nations Association program No-More-Landmines & Adopt-A-Minefield, Blake will donate the proceeds from his exhibition to help clear existing landmines – a project he has already undertaken in Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia and Angola. Renowned as both a sculptor and altruist, Blake’s unique figures do more than radiate beauty, they quite simply save lives.

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