In 2015, AFA has entered its 8th year. According to the symbolism of numerology, the number 8 suggests material, strength and development. In the universal law of cause and effect, the lesson learnt in number 8 is “ Whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”
Since the founding of AFA, it has gone through the energetic phase at the beginning. And then through out the process of exploration and development, we have also learnt the importance of perseverance. Especially during tiresome moments when the current situation was going down, we have learnt to keep it up. Last year, we have organized an electoral event with which the new structure of the AFA society has been formed. The artists of AFA have been through the tests and trials as a unity by learning from former experiences and wisdom. Today, we have gathered together, to start the cycles anew.
Art is personal as well as social at the same time. Artist’s personal pursuit of art and its meaning is being projected unto the artwork, which in turn, reflects humanity and the society as a whole. Stemmed from this, the artwork induces a sense of belonging and recognition in the viewer. Art is the blossoming of cultural development while exhibitions are the fruits. The current exhibition “AFA 8th Anniversary Exhibition – New Works by Members” has invited 18 local artists to show their most recent artworks.
Apart from the founding member Tong Chong’s painting “Encounter I & II” with its consistent child-like style, we can find also James Chu’s artwork “Cantonese” in which he has collaborated with young designer Keika Leung, filling Cantonese slangs onto the billboards right in front of Macau’s landmark the Ruins of St. Paul. Senior member Wong Ka Long is showing his latest sculpture “Don’t cry, My Child” with his increasingly mature style. Lai Sio Kit’s “Forest” is deep and thick with his skillful strokes, while Sylvie Lei’s “Virtual Shape Series No. 23” continues to suggest spiritual inspirations. Nick Tai’s painting “I am Angel” is filled with humor and irony as always, while Wong Soi Lon’s alternative and frank style depicts the act of “Chopping Pork”. Jose Dores shows his latest abstract painting “2557” and Cai Guo Jie shows his “Bairro de St. Lazaro House” which dances in between the abstract and the configurative. Currently studying in the Visual Art School of New York, Crystal Chan is showing her painting “Within and Without”. Living in Canada, Mina Ao shows conceptual photography “Right to Exist – Pomergranate I & II”. In photography works, there are also Tan Kuok Hou’s “Scene” and Yves Sonolet’s “Twin Tower”. Their unique visions captured intriguing scenery of Macao. Young artists Erik Fok and Lai Su Weng have won the art prize of Macao Orient Foundation during different years and are showing their latest artworks “1513.8” and “Background” respectively. As for video art, we have Kit Lee who uses multimedia to explore artistic expression and shows her video work “Music Box”. Last but not least, Filipe Dores, who is our latest member and who has just won the Water Color Academy prize in England shows his latest artwork “After Pray”.
These 18 most active contemporary artists in Macao reveal in front of us their artistic status through their artworks. On their path to achievement, they are also contributing their talents and hard work to the development of Art & Culture in Macao. During this special year of AFA’s 8th anniversary, each of their works is shining through their specific position, brightening up and creating our shared future path ahead.
Alice Kok