Year after year, POCORART has pulled together countless works from far and wide through its open call. Now it's 5th installment, we have received over 1200 pieces from all stretches of Japan and for the first time, from abroad as well!
A careful selection of these heated submissions are ready to be revealed in POCORART National Open Call Exhibition vol. 5, featuring 203 of 1286 submissions from the artwork category and 5 of 29 proposals from the workshop category. Award winners will be announced as voted by both the jury and visitors. It's not to be missed.
What is "POCORART"?
"Place of Core + Relation Art". The name reflects the desire to create a "core" where art and people may interact, representing those with and without disability and involving artists of different backgrounds, experiences, and age. POCORART opens up a world beyond art brut or outsider art, revealing a purity that transforms the invisible into something to be experienced.