During the upcoming longest standing art fair in Asia, Art Taipei, Frantic Gallery is honored to present 3 artists who work with the topics of Loneliness, Anxiety and Horror. United in the exhibition titled “Uncanny and Sorrow in Monochrome and Color”, works of Atsushi Takahashi, Naritaka Satoh and Naoki Sasayama present three different points of view on intense human emotions using three completely different painterly methods.
Atsushi Takahashi is unusual in his technique and squeezes oil on canvas without leaving any touch or strokes. His painting looks like textile while the white spaces are depicted with the back of the canvas itself. His recent works are mainly portraits that represent people in deep sadness or with deemed consciousness.
Naritaka Satoh works mainly with pencil, adding white acrylic for background and charcoal for the darker sections. Consequently, his works combine the visuality of a drawing dominated by lines with features of a painting which stresses spots and brush strokes. Trying to achieve hyperreal representation and depicting babies that look like toys or in reverse toys that obtain organic bodies, Satoh creates gloomy rooms with tense relationship between characters in it.
Naoki Sasayama produces his own dense watercolor paints (mixing glycerin, pigment, ethanol and other materials) to illustrate The Catastrophes and the consequences of fatal events. Vibrating color and volume achieved by the thick watercolor generates original visual aspects which include arabesque-like patterns and non-figural elements. Additionally, the represented mortal incidents paradoxically has a light, lively sensibility. Sasayama’s works burst with vitality and the lusciousness of life, grasping both sides of the accident: its "life" and its "death".
The exhibition in general offers intricate interplay between the works, which get involved into the observation of the exhibits in different ways. While watercolors of Naoki Sasayama and oil paintings by Atsushi Takahashi are filled with intense colors that “jump out” at the viewer, drawings/paintings by Naritaka Satoh are monochrome and trie to drag the onlooker inside their depicted dark spaces. “Uncanny and Sorrow in Monochrome and Color” Exhibition presents similar topics, but they are expressed with distinct means of representation and the works being presented in one space creates a unique field of shifting feelings and emotional moods.
Please note this exhibition is curated by ENTOMORODIA curitorial net/work at Art Taipei