Spring Workshop is delighted to present the world premiere of Duilian, a film installation that is the culmination of a decade-long research project by visual artist and filmmaker Wu Tsang. The multi-media exhibition centers around Duilian, a newly-commissioned film is loosely based on the life of Qiu Jin (秋瑾 1875–1907), a turn-of-the-century Chinese revolutionary poet, and her calligrapher friend Wu Zhiying (吳芝瑛, 1867-1936).
Duilian is the result of Wu Tsang’s two three-month residencies at Spring Workshop in 2015 at the invitation of Mimi Brown, Founder and Defne Ayas, Curator-at-large. The project is developed with Christina Li, Director of Spring Workshop.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Exhibition opening event / performance
Times to be announced*
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Wu Tsang presents…
12.00pm – 1:30pm*
Following two three-month residencies at Spring Workshop when Wu Tsang researched the life and writing of Chinese revolutionary feminist poet Qiu Jin (秋瑾 1875–1907), the Los Angeles-based multi-media artist and filmmaker will present a live event on the occasion of the premiere of her new film installation.
*Program dates and time are subject to change. Check our website www.springworkshop.org for updates.
Please RSVP at rsvp@springworkshop.org listing the event title in the subject line.