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Borobudur Auction Pte. Ltd.
Ubi Techpark Lobby C,
10 Ubi Crescent #05 - 39,
Singapore 408564
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Borobudur is the name of the most famous Indonesian's architectural monument in the world. This temple built by Syailendra Dinasty on 800 and it called as invaluable art. Some people called it as one of world's miracle.

This temple encrusted beautiful relief, and it shown that Indonesian people have artistic entrepreneur and incredible craftmanship. Thus, when people look at the relief which visualized Gandawyuda, Lalitawisata, Jataka and Awadana, they will evolve their mind that the constructor and builder of Borobudur`s relief is Indonesian. The history confession said that Borobudur with all elements is not only a soul, but also a body of Indonesian.
Borobudur located in Menoreh hill in central Java, and it's located between Merapi and Merbabu mountain. This position symbolised that Borobudur is a source of balance consideration. As we know that balance is the start from harmony. Then, the philosophy book implied that the absolute harmony is art. From this statement we can make conclusion that Borobudur is the place of art. This conclusion become realities in the next century, when we notice Indonesian art demografy. Borobudur area and geographic area are similar with Borobudur, example Magelang, Solo and Yogyakarta. Now we call it as a place of art birth in Java. This give influence to all place and make Indonesia as a art country.
The myth of Borobudur support us to use word Borobudur as a name of art auction which we built. The magnificence of Borobudur not only make pride people in that area, also make pride all people around the wolrd and of course it's become our concern. Thus, Borobudur Art Auction will always have commitment to attendant an excellent artistry, and attend the classic art, an interesting art like Borobudur's aura

Art Auction, What and Why?
Borobudur Auction Hall establishment is a response from people desire for the growth of art organization and have high commitment in art development. Of course we have development all aspect, from creation, socialitation and also economic.

As we know, Indonesia had art explosion in the middle of 1980 which indicated with the acceleration painting art transaction in exhibition, gallery, art shop and individual art dealer. Agus Dermawan T is the first person who research this explosion by mass media and he got much comments.
A critics, DR. Saneto Yuliman (deceased) worried that this explosion can constrict artis creativity, because artist will follow collector, maecenas's appetite or even investor. It can be influence creator's knowledge, because the art lover is people who don't know about art. Drs. Sudarmaji (deceased) had different opinion. He tought that painting art explosion is flash moment, so it don`t need seriously response.

Agus Dermawan T always observe the truth and mistake from that response until we get a conclusion that constrict of creativity which worried by Sanento Yuliman is unevidently, although we ever see these phenomenon. Actually we get the painting art explosion for several times, and the echo continue until 2004.

One of this echo is signed with much artistry around us and also signed with appearing the art lover who increase everyday. The appearance of artistry and the lover made chaos in creation quality and socialitation. Thus, art's world, especially painting art need a administrator which regulate the traffic. One of the art administrator is Borobudur Auction Hall.

Borobudur Auction Hall have a lot of function, for example:
First, become a mediator between the author or the owner of artistry and the art lover. Second, choose the best artistry for people. Third, socialize the best artistry by the exhibition to all people. Fourth, distribute the artistry to people who want it by auction. Fifth, balance the same price for the art lover as a part of indicator between art or artistry history with financial appreciation. All of the things above are held with general and professional mechanism, and also with help by several management, art expert, curator, critics and art observer.


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